How these lenses can help control myopia in children with accommodation or focusing issues up close.
The difference between bifocal and progressive lenses for myopia control in children is important to understand. Bifocals are lenses with two prescriptions that are separated by an obvious line. The top part of the lens is for distance viewing, while the bottom is for near viewing. Progressive lenses are lenses with distance and reading prescriptions that are blended together. There is no line separating the prescriptions and it provides a smooth transition between the different prescriptions.
When it comes to myopia control in children, both bifocal and progressive lenses can be useful. Bifocal lenses are often used to help slow the progression of myopia in children.
Bifocal lenses have a clear distinction between near and far vision and may be more easier for children to adapt to. However, aesthetically, this may not be the child's first's not for adults, so why would it be for children?
Progressive lenses provide a seamless transition between near, intermediate, and far vision and look more like "regular lenses". It may be more challenging for children to know which zone they are looking through without the bifocal line defining the zones.
Bifocal lenses are often used in myopia control in children with accommodative insufficiency. Accommodative insufficiency is a condition where the eyes are unable to focus clearly on near objects. Bifocal lenses can help reduce the stress on the eyes while they are trying to focus, which can help slow the progression of myopia.
In addition to reducing the strain on the eyes, the near prescription can help the eyes focus more clearly on near objects, making it easier for the child to read and see close up.
Bifocal lenses are also well tolerated by children with accommodative insufficiency. They are comfortable to wear, especially when compared to other myopia control options such as bifocal contact lenses or when used in conjunction with atropine eye drops.
When it comes to myopia control in children, it is important to discuss the options with your eye doctor. Your optometrist can help you decide which lenses are best for your child's lifestyle and vision needs. Bifocal and progressive lenses can both be useful for myopia control in children and choosing the right lenses can help improve your child's vision.
Let's change the game on myopia, go to our website to know all your pain-free options for myopia management. There are so many myopia management strategies now available, we can cater to your child's myopia needs.
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